We at Rayark Games firmly believe that the key to achieving high performance among our team members is creating a fair, respectful, and inclusive work environment. That is why we are committed to building a workplace free of harassment and discrimination, where every member can realize their full potential and be treated fairly.

A Rich, Independent, and Inclusive Workplace

Equal opportunity and mutual respect.

We are committed to providing equal opportunities and treating our employees as sustainable business partners, and will not engage in differential treatment or any form of discrimination regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, class, age, marital status, language, ideology, religion, party affiliation, place of origin, place of birth, appearance, facial features, physical or mental disabilities. Each member should understand each other’s value and uniqueness, and strive to create a work environment of equality, dignity, safety, and freedom from harassment.

Anti-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy

Zero tolerance for discrimination and harassment of any kind.

In order to protect all employees from physical and mental abuse during the performance of their duties, Rayark Games strictly prohibits supervisors, peers, customers, clients, care recipients, and any strangers from any unlawful abuse of our employees. We expect every member to fully support and practice behavior conducive to a friendly workplace environment, as well as continuously optimize, improve, and jointly maintain a friendly creative working environment characterized by mutual respect.

Additionally, Rayark Games complies with local labor regulations and regularly reviews its own internal policies. We provide an effective and rapid complaint handling mechanism to ensure that every member can report discrimination and harassment safely and without external factors, and that complaints are handled in a timely and just manner.

For more information regarding the process for workplace sexual harassment complaints, please refer to our company’s “Sexual Harassment Prevention, Complaint and Punishment Measures”

Dedicated inbox for unlawful infringement consultation and complaints: hr_appeal@rayark.com